Thursday 30 June 2016

CAPA award

Congratulations to Lorena, Georgia and Charlize for achieving the CAPA award at the Primary assembly this week.


4E have been learning about Indian Art. This week we created an Indian peacock.


Monday 27 June 2016

Honour Award

Congratulations to Abbey who received an honour award at today's Church Time.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

4E Assembly Item

A few weeks ago at the last Primary assembly 4E presented their item about the creation story, Each group worked hard at presenting an aspect of the creation story. They decided on their own costumes, movements and dialogue for each day of creation. I am very proud of what they produced. If you weren't able to see the production here is a video of it. 

Saturday 11 June 2016

Tinker Time Rockets

Every Friday of this term Stage 2 have been working on their Tinker Time projects. We made our own rockets and last Friday we launched them. It was very exciting to see some of the rockets fly through the sky and then trying to catch them as they landed.


Science Day

Last Wednesday Stage 2 were involved in a Science Day. We were given the task of designing and making a sling shot. It was great to see so many different designs. After testing their sling shots students could then remake them to improve their design. Congratulations to Brianna and Georgia for shooting their ammunition the furthest.